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emergency dentist — arlington, tx

Emergency Dental Care at ClearSky Dental Care

At ClearSky Dental Care, we understand the importance of having a straight and aligned smile. Not only does it enhance your appearance, but it also plays a crucial role in your overall oral health. That's why we offer a range of advanced orthodontic treatments to help you achieve a straighter smile and improve your dental well-being. Our experienced orthodontic team is dedicated to providing personalized care and exceptional results.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

First, when a dental emergency strikes, your first order of business should be to call our dental office. We’ll get you in for an appointment as quickly as possible, often within the same day you call. In the meantime, we can provide over-the-phone guidance for dealing with your situation and managing your discomfort.

Next, when you arrive at our office, your Arlington emergency dentist Dr. Talon Davis will see you right away. He will prioritize stabilizing your situation to prevent any potential permanent damage and alleviate any serious pain you may be in. Then, once he’s had a chance to evaluate your situation, he’ll go over which treatments he recommends, including their estimated length and cost.

Then, once you’ve worked with Dr. Davis to create a personalized treatment plan that works for you, our talented team will get to work repairing your teeth and protecting your smile. For anxious or uncomfortable patients, we may recommend one of our calming sedation options so you can sit back and relax while you get the professional care you need


The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Not all dental emergencies are as easy to identify as a broken or knocked-out tooth. Many times, patients avoid seeking the care they need out of fear that they’re making a big deal out of nothing. However, we encourage you to give us a call anyways! Remember, teeth can’t heal themselves like the rest of the body, so it’s important to have any symptoms that you’re concerned about or bothered by checked out right away, no matter how small. When you explain your situation over the phone, we’ll help you determine how urgently you should be seen and schedule your appointment accordingly. Below, you’ll find some important information about how to handle some of the most common dental emergencies we treat here at South Arlington Smiles.




Chipped Tooth

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Cracked Tooth


Sensitivity to Hot & Cold

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Knocked-Out Tooth


Lost Filling or Crown

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Broken Denture

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Loose Tooth


Gums, Lips or Tongue Injury


Jaw Pain or Clenching

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Something Stuck Between Teeth


Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies 

Because dental emergencies can vary greatly from person to person, there is no set cost of emergency treatment. The price will depend on your unique situation. Keep in mind that seeking treatment as soon as possible can prevent your problem from worsening and requiring more expensive procedures. At South Arlington Smiles, we will only recommend services that are absolutely necessary to get your smile back to normal. If you’d like to learn more about what to expect, continue reading or call our office to speak directly with a member of our team !

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

When it comes to dental emergencies, an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure! Of course, not all emergencies can be avoided with 100% certainty, but you’d be surprised how easily you can minimize your risk by taking a few simple precautions. Safeguard your smile by keeping the following five tips in mind.

Dental Equipment
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