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cosmetic dentistry – arlington, tx

we can help you get a hollywood smile

It may seem like all of your favorite celebrities were born with perfect teeth, but many of them actually enhance their smiles with cosmetic dentistry. The goods news is that you don’t have to be rich and famous to benefit from this kind of treatment. At South Arlington Smiles, we offer many of the same services the stars get, and we do so without charging outrageous Hollywood prices. Call us today to schedule a consultation to discuss cosmetic dentistry in Arlington, TX.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded onto the front of the teeth, correcting multiple smile imperfections instantly and simultaneously. They act as little masks to conceal gaps, stains, chips, and cracks. In some cases, they can even give slightly crooked teeth a straighter appearance. Each veneer is custom-made to fit your unique smile, and you can get anywhere from one veneer to a whole set in as little as two appointments.


Metal-Free Dental Restorations

When a patient visits us with a damaged front tooth, we know that we must repair it in a way that guarantees strong and beautiful results. That’s why we use restorations made of dental porcelain. Not only are these solutions extremely durable, but they can be shaded to blend in with your surrounding teeth. Once your restoration has been placed, onlookers shouldn’t even be able to tell the difference!

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

If your smile only needs a small “touch-up,” then you will most likely benefit from cosmetic bonding. This treatment can correct small flaws like minor chips, cracks, gaps, and stains in as little as one hour. Dr. Davis will apply a composite resin to a tooth and shape the material to cover up the imperfections, making it appear as though they never existed in the first place


Teeth Whitening

Perhaps the most popular cosmetic dentistry service we offer, our Opalescence teeth whitening treatment can dramatically transform your appearance and boost your confidence. With in-office whitening, we can brighten your smile by several shades in a single hour-long appointment. Alternatively, we can prescribe professional-strength bleaching gel and custom-made application trays to help you whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. You’ll notice a difference immediately, but best results are usually achieved after two weeks of daily use. 

Digital Imaging

Want to get an idea of how a cosmetic treatment will change your smile before you go through with it? With digital imaging technology, we can help patients glimpse into the future. By editing a photo of your current smile, we can show you how you would look after getting veneers, teeth whitening, or any other cosmetic treatment. We can then make any needed adjustments to ensure you’ll get results you can be proud of.

Dental Equipment
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